Recovery Quotes

  1. “One Day at a Time”
  2. “Progress, Not Perfection”
  3. “Keep Coming Back”
  4. “It Works If You Work It”
  5. “Meeting Makers Make It”
  6. “To Keep What You Have, You Have to Give it Away”
  7. “If You Sit in the Barber’s Chair Long Enough, You’ll Eventually Get a Haircut”
  8. “Recovery Doesn’t Happen Overnight”
  9. “Take What You Like and Leave the Rest”
  10. Don’t Quit 5 Minutes Before the Miracle”
  11. Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny
  12. Be stronger than your strongest excuse.
  13. Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. – Helen Keller
  14. People do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. – F. Matthias Alexander
  15. It is 10 years since I used drugs or alcohol and my life has improved immeasurably. I have a job, a house, a cat, good friendships and, generally, a bright outlook… The price of this is constant vigilance because the disease of addiction is not rational. – Russell Brand.
  16. Nobody stays recovered unless the life they have created is more rewarding and satisfying than the one they left behind. – Anne Fletcher
  17. A smooth sea never made a good sailor
  18. The disease is progressive. So is recovery.
  19. Progress, not perfection
  20. Keep it simple, stupid (KISS)
  21. Turn I Wish into I Will
  22. Nothing is so bad a drink won’t make it worse
  23. When in doubt – don’t
  24. Small steps forward are still steps
  25. Recovery doesn’t happen overnight
  26. Addiction is an equal opportunity destroyer
  27. Have an attitude of gratitude
  28. The road to sobriety is a simple journey for confused people with a complicated disease
  29. Take a deep breath. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.
  30. Easy does it
  31. First things first
  32. When you smile, your brain thinks you’re happy
  33. Pick yourself back up – you’ve got this
  34. Let go of old ideas
  35. Each day may not be good, but there’s good in every day
  36. Mistakes are proof that you’re trying
  37. Keep your sobriety first to make it last
  38. You’re not required to like it. You’re only required to do it
  39. If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere
  40. There’s no progress without struggle
  41. A scar is a reminder that you’re stronger than whatever hurt you
  42. Yesterday is a canceled check, tomorrow is an IOU, today is cash – spend is wisely
  43. Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn
  44. You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
  45. I am in charge of how I feel, and today, I’m choosing Happiness
  46. Real recovery is a complete lifestyle change
  47. Never let a stumble on the road be the end of the Journey
  48. Your struggle is part of your story
  49. The Happiness of your life depends upon the Quality of your Thoughts
  50. Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up
  51. Whenever you feel like giving up, think of all the people who would love to see you fail
  52. If Plan A didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters
  53. Stop Hating yourself for what you aren’t and start Loving yourself for what you are
  54. If it is important, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.
  55. I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.
  56. HOPE – Hold On Pain Ends
  57. Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called Tomorrow.
  58. Be someone you want to be around
  59. “I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.”
  60. “Nothing changes if nothing changes.”